对于今年的毕业班来说,新冠病毒的爆发,意味他们期待已久的毕业典礼只能因故取消。 不过,毕业不只是走上舞台领取学位证书,它也标志着人生下一阶段的开始——即使在当前这一困难时期,毕业也是值得庆祝的。 梅琳达和我有幸得到《华尔街日报》邀请,在此分享我们对于这一转变的想法:
1986, degree in Computer Science and Economics, Duke University, US; 1987, MBA, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, US. 1987-96, with Microsoft Corporation, including: General Manager, Information Products; leader in the development of many multimedia products. Formerly, Co-Chairman, Washington State Governor's Commission on Early Learning. Formerly, Member of the Board of Trustees, Duke University. Member of the Board, Washington Post.
对于今年的毕业班来说,新冠病毒的爆发,意味他们期待已久的毕业典礼只能因故取消。 不过,毕业不只是走上舞台领取学位证书,它也标志着人生下一阶段的开始——即使在当前这一困难时期,毕业也是值得庆祝的。 梅琳达和我有幸得到《华尔街日报》邀请,在此分享我们对于这一转变的想法:
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How would you describe 2018?