Juan José Rojas Ortiz

Global Shaper, Bogota Hub

I was born in Arauca, a border area with Venezuela in eastern Colombia; My family, most of whom have Colombian and Venezuelan dual nationality, have been victims of violence in Colombia due to the war, and have also been forced to migrate due to social, political and economic conditions in Venezuela.
I´m a gay political scientist and lawyer from the Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá). I have studies in contemporary theories of justice from Harvard University Law School. In addition to political innovation studies from the University of Arizona. I have worked on political campaigns such as the re-election of the president and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Juan Manuel Santos, where he was in charge of generating commitments with grassroots social organizations such as animal activists, environmentalists, artists' guilds, among others. Subsequently, I served as advisor to the Institute of Liberal Thought attached to the Colombian Liberal Party, a political party of a social democratic nature, from where he advised local governors and congressmen of the party on projects related to the care of pensioners, laws to defend the Moors, and the legal framework of the peace agreement. In 2016, I helped create the citizen movement "Agree NOW" after the negative results of the peace plebiscite called by the government to endorse the peace agreement with the demobilized FARC guerrilla. This movement coordinated a camp of more than 150 days and marches in which hundreds of thousands mobilized in the main cities of Colombia to sign and endorse a new peace agreement.
I am currently leading the project "Young Talent" (www.talentojoven.co) of the Bogotá Hub; We are a formal job training and insertion accelerator that wants to strengthen the skills of young people and connect them with job offers, with a focus on resilient jobs that respond to the dynamics of the fourth industrial revolution. leadership that give added value and allow them to access jobs.

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