Eva Zabey

Chief Executive Officer, Business for Nature

Eva leads Business for Nature, a global coalition aiming to unify the business voice to call for action to reverse nature loss and restore the planet’s vital natural systems on which economies, wellbeing and prosperity depend. Previously, Eva led multiple projects at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) for 15 years. This included leading work on natural, social and human capital measurement and valuation for business decision-making, towards integrated performance management, and ultimately reporting for investors. She led the development of the Natural Capital Protocol on behalf of the Natural Capital Coalition, as well as the establishment of the new Social & Human Capital Coalition.

Eva is an ecology specialist having gained a BSc from Imperial College London, and a Masters in environmental management from EPFL, Switzerland. In 2012, she completed a University of London on-line course on environmental valuation techniques, and delivered a TEDx talk in 2012 on valuing nature in business.


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Foro Institucional


去年12全球朝着重新调整人与自然关系迈出了重要一步在生物多样性空前丧失和气候紧急状况日益恶化的情况,196个国家政府去年达成昆明-蒙特利尔全球生物多样性框架”(GBF)。该框架规定了要到2030年遏止和扭转自然损失需要在多大范围和规模上开展行而这标通常被称为自然受益”(nature positive)。

18 sep 2023
Naturaleza y Biodiversidad



30 jun 2023

Sobre nosostros



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