Carlos David Carrasco Muro

Global Shaper, Santiago Hub

Carlos is a Political Consultant and Journalist. He is co-author of the book "Innovación y transformación digital: El devenir del govtech municipal" by FLACSO Chile. In addition, he is Research Assistant (consultant) in governance at the United Nations Development Program Regional Center for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was curator of Global Shapers Hub Santiago. He was coordinator of the Fiscal Expenditure Observatory in Chile. He was director of the Caricuao Propone Civil Association in Caracas, Venezuela. Master in Digital Transformation from the Isabel I University of Spain, Bachelor of Social Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University. Diploma in Governance, Political Management and Public Management from the Development Bank of Latin America CAF. Member of the ECLAC Development Planning Network (ECLAC). Coordinator at the “Escuela de Liderazgo Juvenil Afrodescendiente en América Latina y el Caribe” (Afro-descendant)

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