Azish Filabi

CEO, Ethical Systems

Azish Filabi is CEO of Ethical Systems, where she dedicates her time to developing strategies for businesses to promote ethical behavior in their organizations through research and collaboration with the leading experts in the field. She is inspired by the growing movement of social and ethical business practices, which she believes will have a lasting impact on the evolution of business worldwide.

Previously, she was an Ethics Officer and bank regulatory lawyer at the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, and a Corporate Associate at the NYC-based law firm Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle, LLP. She serves as an Officer in the NY State Bar Association International Section and co-founded the Microfinance and Financial Inclusion Committee. She is a Board Member for Microfinance Transparency, the leader in microfinance product pricing transparency, and an Advisory Board member of Dimension Learning, a NYC-based STEM education program that teaches computer-aided design and 3-D printing to local school children.

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