I specialize in digital assets, payments innovation, and CBDC.
With G7 officials recently endorsing principles for central bank digital currencies (CBDC), and over 80 countries launching some form of initiative related to CBDC, it seems their widespr...
The COVID-19 pandemic and consequent economic crisis have indelibly altered our daily lives. One of the profound changes has been the acceleration in the shift towards digital payments, a...
Last week was big for digital currencies with the Davos Agenda taking place and, separately, the release of the third BIS survey on central bank digital currency (CBDC).
Blockchain can serve a unique role in preventing government corruption. Its technology offers a singular combination of permanent and tamper-evident record keeping, real-time transaction ...
Worldwide, governments devote an estimated $9.5 trillion each year to public procurement – an average of approximately 15% of national GDP. This money goes to public goods and services su...
En todo el mundo, el potencial de corrupción a menudo se aprovecha cuando existe un conflicto de intereses en la toma de decisiones, lo que lleva a la mala asignación de los fondos públicos.
Around the world, the potential for corruption is often exploited where there is a conflict of interest in decision making, leading to the misallocation of public funds.
Los bancos centrales de todo el mundo están experimentando con la denominada moneda digital del Banco Central (Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC). ¿Pero qué es y por qué importa?
Central banks around the world are experimenting with so-called Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). But what is it and why does it matter?
While research and experimentation with blockchain technology across sectors has been underway for several years, few organizations have deployed it. Although central banks are among the ...