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Technology that transforms: what an invention from 1450 can teach us about AI

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If you’re a ‘digital native’ - someone who can’t remember a world before the internet - you might feel you have a good idea of the role technology will play in your life and perhaps in that of future generations.

But journalism professor Jeff Jarvis, author of a history of another transformative technology from more than five centuries ago - the printing press - says we can have no way yet of knowing where the internet, and AI, will take us.

The book is called The Gutenberg Parenthesis. Jeff spoke to us at the World Economic Forum's AI Governance Summit.

AI Governance Alliance:

AI Governance Summit:

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Transcripción del podcast

Alojado por:
Robin Pomeroy

Podcast Editor, World Economic Forum

Tecnologías emergentesIndustrias en Profundidad

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