Remodelling Capitalism

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As the Occupy protests that have spread around the world demonstrate, there is growing frustration with capitalism's failure to benefit the many, rather than just a few. Some argue that capitalism as it stands is an unsustainable system that puts huge strain on the environment and prompts crises that profoundly damage our societies.

1. Can capitalism be fixed?
2. How can the hopes and expectations of the 99% be fulfilled?
3. Where are our priorities when governments bail out banks but leave citizens to struggle?


Jaafar Hassan, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Ed Miliband, Leader of the Opposition, United Kingdom

Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva

Stephen S. Roach, Senior Fellow, Yale University and non-Executive Chairman, Morgan Stanley Asia

Tomas Sedlacek, Lecturer, Charles University, Czech Republic

Juan Somavia, Director-General, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva

Moderated by: Lawrence Elliott, Economics Editor, The Guardian, United Kingdo

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