Libros Blancos
Publicado: 10 marzo 2021

At a Crossroads: The Next Chapter for FinTech in China

In collaboration with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)

In collaboration with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF)

As China’s FinTech industry enters a critical third development stage, we see a complex interplay of collaboration and competition among technology companies, traditional financial institutions and regulatory agencies. The strategies and positions adopted by these three players will continue to shape the role of FinTech in China’s financial system, set the pace of the industry’s development and determine the eventual make-up of the broader financial environment. This report presents the initial findings from a workshop hosted in Shanghai, discussions at the Forum’s China Business Roundtable and expert interviews. It explores the evolution of the Chinese financial services system, with the expectation that future innovations will benefit not only domestic users and businesses but also societies around the world.

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