Luca Visentini

2022, elected General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation. 2015, elected as European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) General Secretary at the Confederation’s 13th Congress in Paris in 2015, after four years as ETUC Confederal Secretary in Brussels.; responsible for guiding and coordinating ETUC policy. This includes high-level meetings with European Union (EU) and national leaders and social partner organizations, representing the ETUC in international and European fora and at affiliates’ conferences, supervising the budget, and keeping ETUC staff informed of European policy developments affecting trade unions. Has taken part in negotiations at EU level on the European pillar of social rights, the future of Europe, relaunching European social dialogue, public investment, economic governance and many other issues of importance to European workers. Has been active in the trade union movement since 1989, with experience and involvement in collective bargaining at confederation, national and sector level.

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