Kristine Kiernan

Assistant Professor, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Dr. Kristy Kiernan is an assistant professor in the College of Aeronautics at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Prior to joining the faculty at Embry-Riddle, she served as a Coast Guard aviator, flying the Falcon 20 on search and rescue and drug interdiction missions. She is a graduate of the US Navy’s Aviation Safety Officer school as well as the University of Southern California’s aircraft accident investigation school. Formerly the head of the Embry-Riddle Master of Science in Unmanned Systems, she is a member of several UAS industry working groups, including the ANSI UAS Standardization Collaborative, the AUVSI Trusted Operator Program, and the ISO UAS US Technical Advisory Group. Her research interests are in unmanned systems, safety, risk management, and human factors. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from Brown University, a Ph.D. in Aviation from ERAU, an Airline Transport Pilot Rating with a Falcon type rating, and a Remote Pilot Certificate.

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