Jonathan D. Ostry

Professor of Economics, Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto

Undergraduate degrees, Balliol College, University of Oxford and Queen's University, Canada; MSc, London School of Economics; PhD, University of Chicago. With the International Monetary Fund: formerly, led the division that produces the Fund's flagship multilateral surveillance publication, the World Economic Outlook, and led country teams on Japan and a number of Asian economies; currently, Deputy Director, Research; leads work on global systemic macrofinancial risks (including for the IMF-FSB Early Warning Exercises) and assessments of key currency values. Has contributed to the evolution of the IMF's policy lending toolkit reforms, and to the reforms of the institution's views on capital controls. Has been at the forefront of recent work on the connections between income inequality and the fragility of economic growth. Author of numerous articles and books on international economic policy issues.

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