Humera Malik

Chief Executive Officer, Canvass AI

Humera Malik is CEO of Canvass AI, a leading software provider that empowers the world’s largest industrial companies with actionable intelligence to make data-driven operational decisions. Canvass AI was named by CB Insights as one of the top 50 technology companies that is making an impact in advanced manufacturing in 2022. Internationally, Ms Malik is one of the leading voices in Artificial Intelligence and how it can help the industrial sector to propel growth, accelerate sustainability, and augment human expertise. She sits on Canada’s AI Technology Advisory Council and is a recipient of the RBC Women of Influence Entrepreneur of the Year award, the Women of IoT/M2M award, and Special Jury Recognition for the Women in AI Awards North America 2023. She is frequently invited to speak at industry conferences and has been featured in publications such as Bloomberg and Forbes.

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