Francesca Gostinelli

Chief Executive Officer, Enel X Retail, Enel

Francesca's current job is Head of Group Strategy, Economics and Scenario Planning for the Enel Group. Previously, in Enel, she was in charge of Business Development for Global Generation, Head of Operation Support and Head of International Regulation. Before that, until 2007, she was in Endesa, in charge of Italian Regulatory Affairs and Climate Change/Sustainability.
In the last 8 years, Ms Gostinelli has taken part as Director of many Boards within Enel Group, also for listed companies: Endesa Americas (2016) and Endesa Chile (2015‐2016) listed in Chile and US,
Enel Green Power spa (2013‐2015) listed in Italy, Enel OGK5 listed in Russia. Francesca is an Environmental Engineer with a Master Degree in Management and Economics of Energy and Environment. She has been attending Executive Education both in Harvard Business School and Insead. Married, enjoys the exciting parental experience of raising two boys.
Francesca is Alumna of Insead and Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei and she is also a Fellow of the German Marhall Fund, enjoying the networks and spending time to nurture them and making them grow for new generations.
Passionate for travelling, dancing, photography, eating in slow food restaurants, meeting friends.

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