Ernesto Zedillo

Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University

Ernesto Zedillo is the Director of the Yale Center for the Study of Globalization and Professor in International Economics and Politics as well as Chairman of the Board of the Global Development Network, an organization that works with developing country researchers and policy research institutes. Previously, he served as President of Mexico from 1994-2000. After earning his PhD at Yale, he was with the Central Bank of Mexico before serving as Undersecretary of Budget, Secretary of Economic Programming and Budget, and Secretary of Education. He was appointed by the World Bank President to chair the High Level Commission on Modernization of World Bank Group Governance, co-chaired the Partnership of the Americas and served on the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. He currently serves as Vice Chair with Kofi Annan of the Commission on Elections, Democracy and Security, Co-Chair of the Regional Migration Study Group and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy. He is a Member of the G30.

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